
12 August 2024
2:00 PM
The scale and accelerations required to retrofift Scotland's 2.7 million homes, and some of the new technologies on the block.
13 August 2024
2:00 PM
This show will detail the merits of electric heating options and showcase the latest in electric boilers, radiators and smart heating technologies
15 August 2024
11:00 AM
Discover the low-carbon bricks, paint and insulation that have been developed in Scotland by three pioneers of sustainable construction materials.
15 August 2024
1:00 PM
Join us to discover what heat networks are and why they're poised to become the primary method of heating homes and buildings in the future.
16 August 2024
11:00 AM
Gain essential insights into funding options and the importance of professional installers to help advance your eco-friendly projects with confidence.